
What Were The First Animals On Earth

World, over its four.5-billion-twelvemonth history, has gone through five major extinctions. You've likely learned of at to the lowest degree 1: The Crustaceous Extinction, the fifth and virtually recent (relatively speaking) upshot, which wiped out more than than half of life on earth, including the dinosaurs. And yet, despite such biological tumult, some species have proven peculiarly adept at weathering anything the world throws—not but the Crustaceous Extinction (65 million years ago), but the Triassic Extinction (210 million) and the Permian Extinction (250 million), besides.

That's right, at that place are creatures on Earth that make the existence of humans (44,000 years) little more than a comparative blip on the timeline of the planet'south eukaryotic history. In fact, paleontologists and geologists accept gone so far to coin the term "living fossils," which is fitting in its pointed accuracy: Like fossils, they were hither long before united states of america—and they'll exist here long afterward nosotros get out, as well. And for more fascinating facts from the animal kingdom, don't miss the 23 Smallest Animals on the Planet.

sandhill crane 30 oldest animals on earth

Scientists with the Nature Convervancy estimate that the elegant sandhill crane can be traced back to existing every bit many ten million years ago. To put that in perspective, the majority of today's bird species are only idea to have been effectually for almost ane.8 million years. These freshwater-frequenting birds are one of the relatively few types of animals who mate for life, afterward performing an elaborate mating dance complete with leaping and head-bobbing.

lice 30 oldest animals on earth
Prototype via Wikimedia Eatables

Cue the terrible childhood memories of your mother slathering peanut butter, mayonnaise, or some other pasty substance all over your hair in a desperate attempt to get rid of those pesky nits. Evidently, the human race has been plagued by lice for every bit long as nosotros can remember; scientists from the Florida Museum of Natural History estimate that the wingless, parasitic insects have been effectually, in some form or another, for twenty million years. And for more intriguing beast trivia, don't miss these 50 Amazing Creature Facts.

purple frog 30 oldest animals on earth

Alternatively known every bit the pignose frog, this portly amphibian is quite unique, and not just considering of its rotund shape and odd mauve hue. Information technology's estimated that the subterranean-dwelling imperial frog, which was first dug up in Republic of india in 2003, evolved at least 50 million years prior to any other frogs in the land.

echidna 30 oldest animals on earth

Distantly related to the platypus, the spiny even so ambrosial echidna is some other Australian native that is 1 of the few mammals to lay eggs. (Some other fact that makes these guys ambrosial: baby echidnas are called "puggles." Take that, puppies and kittens.) Echidnas have been thought to have existed for l one thousand thousand-odd years, and were named subsequently Echidna, a Greek mythological figure known as the "female parent of monsters." If that title didn't convince you, no, this Greek myth version—a nefarious serpentine woman—is not nearly as cute every bit the real animal.

crocodile 30 oldest animals on earth

A clever carnivore, the crocodile has many adaptations that have equipped it to final on Earth for 55 million years, including a valve that allows the reptile to open its jaws underwater—the better to eat casualty with. And yes, the crocodile is different from the alligator—gators have wider snout, and live in freshwater environments, while crocs take U-shaped snouts and live in saltwater. And to notice out which country is home to the only location where crocodiles and alligators coexist, don't miss The Craziest Fact About Every U.S. Land.

cow shark 30 oldest animals on earth

Despite the "cow," we wouldn't suggest trying to milk this guy. Sometimes also called sixgill sharks (most sharks only have 5 gills, and then information technology'southward an attributive-worthy anomaly), these animals are among the most primitive of the ocean's sharks, thought to be at least lx million years onetime. Not very much is known almost these creatures, as they usually prefer to lurk much deeper in the sea than most defined care to venture.

giant freshwater stingray 30 oldest animals on earth

Different its bounding main-surfing peers, this terrifyingly gargantuan specimen lives in freshwater only, making an occasional appearance in Thailand, New Guinea, and Australia'south rivers. These rays, which can grow to counterbalance more than i,300 pounds, are thought to be at least 60 1000000 years one-time, but as reported pastNational Geographic, scant concrete information is known nigh them.

frilled shark 30 oldest animals on earth

This shark's flounces and frills aren't nearly equally pretty as you would retrieve. The "frilled" part of its name is really in reference to its gills, which are each tinged in a bright red "fringe." With 300 trident-shaped teeth, these serpent-like sharks are nothing short of frightening—and they've been gliding through the ocean's depths for at least 95 million years.

Bee 30 oldest animals on earth

The earliest ancestors of today's bees are thought to have begun buzzing well-nigh 100 million years agone. Today, there are more xvi,000 species of bees, and scientists can't quite agree which one of them came beginning. Co-ordinate to the Bee Improvement and Bee Breeder's Association, today's honeybees, specifically, evolved from a primitive grade of hunting wasp that decided to make the dietary switch from chowing down on other insects to dining on nectar.

platypus 30 oldest animals on earth

The platypus—a duck-billed, webbed-foot, egg-laying, all-around odd creature—is 1 of the world's most curious animals; it's one of the rare mammals to lay eggs rather than giving nascence to live young. Platypuses (the technically right plural term, by the way) are idea to be 110 million years sometime, easily making them the oldest of Commonwealth of australia'southward mammals.

Sea turtle in ocean

Similar to its close cousin, the tortoise, green body of water turtles have likely been around since the age of the dinosaurs, or about 110 1000000 years. Preferring to rove in warmer waters, body of water turtles spend the majority of their time in the ocean, every bit one might wait—but females e'er lay their eggs on country. Once the baby turtles hatch, they crawl their mode dorsum toward the body of water, starting the bike all over once again.

Martialis Huereka 30 oldest animals on earth
Image via Wikimedia Commons

Say that 3 times, fast. When an evolutionary biologist discovered this variation of ant in the Amazon rainforest in 2008, he postulated that these were one of the earliest descendants of the globe's very outset ants, making the species almost 120 million years old. The biologist called them Martialis huereka, or "ants from Mars," in tribute to their bizarre set of characteristics (soil-home, blind, and big mandibles) that aren't replicated in whatever other ants.

goblin shark 30 oldest animals on earth

Sharks are admittedly scary, merely what about a shark that can thrust its jaw inches out of its mouth to go the added edge and snap upwardly its casualty? We have to say the goblin shark might be in a league of frightening all its ain. Goblin sharks, which hail from the prehistoric era, about 125 million years ago, were first discovered off the coast of Japan. The shark was named for its long snout's resemblance to mythical demon-like creatures of Japanese folklore—translating to "goblin shark" or, on occasion, "elfin shark" in English. And if you find yourself contiguous with one of these guys, Experts Say This Is What to Do if You're Attacked by a Shark.

tuatara 30 oldest animals on earth

You can just find these lizard-like reptiles roaming the islands of New Zealand—and nowhere else—but as they've been doing for 200 million years. The greatest threat to the tuatara are the invasive rat species that accept swept through the islands, eating tuatara eggs and youngsters. Though possessing an incredible boilerplate lifespan of 60 years, the tuatara is considered endangered, and has been since the 19th century, by and large due to rat predation.

Tortoise 30 oldest animals on earth

Y'all know what they say: slow and steady wins the race—of life, apparently. While in that location are multiple variations in stature and striping, from the Galapagos giant tortoise to the critically endangered radiated tortoise, the bones structure of these ambling, easygoing reptiles hasn't diverted much from what their ancestors looked like virtually 200 million years ago. And to acquire more about how 1 species of tortoise was rescued from being on the verge of total elimination, check out the xv Brute Species Miraculously Saved From Extinction.

sturgeon 30 oldest animals on earth

A lengthy fish that can potentially weigh up to 1,000 pounds, the sturgeon gives off a chip of a stern appearance with its whisker-resembling barbels, which it uses to feel and sniff out its nutrient. Considered to be "living dinosaurs," these fish have remained relatively unchanged since they first swam onto the scene more than 200 1000000 years ago—but due to overfishing, sturgeons are now in danger of extinction.

tadpole shrimp 30 oldest animals on earth
Image via Wikimedia Commons

While their proper noun can be a fleck misleading, these creatures are 100 percent crustacean—their long, forked tails just brand them look similar amphibious tadpoles! Believed to be at to the lowest degree 220 million years old, tadpole shrimp have clearly existed this long due to their incredible resilience. They begin their lives in shallow pools, but by the time the pools dry out up, even if it's only been a matter of 2 or three weeks, the shrimp accept already matured and laid their next batch of eggs, which tin go years without hatching.

horseshoe shrimp 30 oldest animals on earth

Rumored to have been swimming effectually while the dinosaurs were yet evolving, 250 million years ago, horseshoe shrimp are believed to exist the oldest species of shrimp in being. These tiny crustaceans, which only grow to be about iv millimeters long, almost wait like miniature models of the horseshoe crab.

Cockroach on food 30 oldest animals on earth

Cockroaches have been scuttling across the earth since the dinosaurs were around, 250 million years ago, proving the conventionalities that cockroaches really, really never dice. The skillful news? They're magnitudes less frightening these days than they were back in the Mesozoic era, where they're believed to have been able to fly for lengthy periods of time.

lamprey 30 oldest animals on earth

Possessing an considerately terrifying mouth, featuring layer upon layer of razor-sharp, pointed teeth, matched with an incongruously beautiful pair of blue eyes, the eel-like lamprey is a shiver-inducing brute. These flesh-eating, blood-sucking creatures are idea to have been slithering through the ocean for over 360 million years. And for nightmares straight out of the seven seas, acquire the 20 Bizarre Bounding main Creatures That Wait Like They're Not Real.

Coelacanth fish 30 oldest animals on earth

For centuries, paleontologists believed that the coelacanth—a lobe-finned fish with astonishingly close genetic ties to humans—was an extinct species, having "disappeared" 66 million years ago with the dinosaurs. However, a living coelacanth was identified in 1938 on a dock in S Africa, and the 400-million-year-old fish has been back on the list of oldest-living species e'er since.

Elephant Shark 30 oldest animals on earth
Image via Instagram/@sammytripsfishing

The elephant shark, orC. milii, is actually non a shark at all, merely a fellow member of the group known every bit ratfish that separated from sharks nearly 400 million years agone. Today, the elephant shark'south genome is the closest to that of the first jawed vertebrate—and if you look at this ratfish's outward appearance, it's not difficult to encounter how it'south barely evolved in its 400 million years.

Crab on beach 30 oldest animals on earth

Anyone who grew upwards near a body of water will immediately recognize the horseshoe crab. At 450 million years old, this arthropod is older than whatever dinosaur would be, then it'due south no surprise that scientists consider it to be a living fossil. And to find out which state makes a habit out of watching these creatures spawn every summer, don't miss The Weirdest Summer Tradition in Every State.

Box jellyfish 30 oldest animals on earth

These gelatinous seafarers have existed for over 500 one thousand thousand years—all without brains, bones, or hearts. And though a certain sitcom may have popularized the "pee on it" solution, in the result yous're stung by one of these relics, according to Hakai magazine, yous should not immediately react every bit such. Since the chemic composition of anybody's urine varies, depending on factors like the person's level of hydration, the all-time that urinating on a sting can practise is to simply have a neutralizing result. And for more frights from the depths, 30 Reasons Why the Ocean Is Scarier Than Space.

nautilus 30 oldest animals on earth
Image via Wikimedia Commons

Another species, like the horseshoe crab, that can lay claim to the title of "living fossil," the nautilus is a cephalopod, which means it lacks a courage but has tentacles. Remaining relatively unchanged for more 500 million years, these creatures are known for their coiled shells, which actually inspired the inventor of one of the first submarines to coin his so-new bounding main-roving invention "Nautilus," a vessel proper name that was popularized by Jules Verne'due south Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea.

velvet worm 30 oldest animals on earth
Epitome via Wikimedia Commons

Reputed to be at least 500 one thousand thousand years old, velvet worms are characterized by, as the name implies, their velveteen, waterproof exterior. This shut relative of the tardigrades (better known as h2o bears) preys on smaller invertebrates, issuing a sticky slime to ensnare its casualty.

brachiopod 30 oldest animals on earth

Nosotros wouldn't blame you lot if you dislocated a brachiopod with a clam—the resemblance is definitely in that location. But the truth is that these 500 million-year-erstwhile marine animals are distinctively unique. This is partially due to their internal structure that looks remarkably similar a foot, simply is used for feeding and respiration instead of mobility.

sea sponge 30 oldest animals on earth

Some claim that these unproblematic, unassuming animals (that yes, similar to your kitchen sponge, have porous exteriors that soak upwardly water in order to filter-feed), were really the very kickoff animals on Earth. While that claim might be a little difficult to substantiate, sea sponges are at least 500 million years old, and there'southward even evidence, published in Aging Research Reviews, that a unmarried individual member of the sponge family lived to be upwards of 11,000 years former.

comb jelly 30 oldest animals on earth

Not to be confused with their cousins, the jellyfish, ctenophora (colloquially: comb jellies) are another variation of sea brute believed to hail from the dawn of time; in fact, some scientists estimates they've been roaming the seven seas for a whopping 525 one thousand thousand years . The well-nigh of import difference? Comb jellies don't take stinging tentacles. They utilize their "combs," or tiny hairs running upwardly and downward the iridescent color bands that stripe their transparent, gelled bodies, to help them float around at the body of water's surface.

cyanobacteria 30 oldest animals on earth

While most of these little fellas aren't particularly cute and cuddly, blue-green alga might just be the to the lowest degree ambrosial of the lot. These photosynthesizing, unicellular organisms are idea past some scientists to exist at to the lowest degree three.5 billion years one-time.

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