A twenty-four hours at the zoo is ane of those classic fun days out for the whole family unit - whether you lot are a tourist in the city or a local there. It's a chance to become into some greenery and see magnificent animals up close, and perchance fifty-fifty meet them being fed or doing tricks. The best zoos are extensive, focused on not only giving the oversupply a show and some education, just with rehabilitation, breeding, and raising awareness of endangered species.

It's no wonder, then, that and then many people recall that being a Zookeeper is an accented dream job; getting to spend all of your time working upward close with the kinds of animals that nearly people would never be able to get close to, watching them, caring for them, and teaching others well-nigh them. It's a job that many kids (and adults) wish that they could be doing… but it'due south not all as rosy at it seems.

There are definitely some secrets that the zookeepers of the world hold, and while some are silly, a petty scary, or just plain gross, there are definitely a few some questionable secrets behind the gates of even the best zoos in the world.

25 The Animals Escape (A Lot)

via Potter Park Zoo

Most people recollect that an escaped zoo beast would exist a rare event, and a cause for total panic… but in reality, zoo animals are actually pretty incredible escape artists, and missing critters are more common than nigh people think.

In that location are fifty-fifty a few specific animals who have a reputation as escape artists, similar San Diego's orangutan Ken Allen, aka the Hairy Houdini.

Fifty-fifty potentially dangerous animals like bobcats accept been known to disappear for a twenty-four hour period or two… just they are usually brought back with no one outside the zoo employees whatsoever wiser.

24 Argue Heights Are Oft Based On Guesswork

via Winnipeg Gratuitous Press

Possibly one of the reasons that it's a lot easier for animals to escape than about people think is that a lot of the fences and enclosure perimeters are based on guesswork. It'southward hard to guarantee how an beast will react in an enclosure, so debate heights usually begin based on a rough idea of how high the animal volition jump in the wild - and when the animate being clears it, information technology'south time to enhance that fence!

Visitors might not exist so happy to get quite that close if they only knew…

23 Not Every Zoo Animate being Is On Display

via Travel and Lesiure

Most people also seem to think that a zoo volition have every fauna in their collection out on brandish for the public, but that'due south rarely the case. Especially in convenance zoos, keepers will oft accept many of the youngest animals behind closed doors then that they can exist properly (and privately) cared for. Other animals may be adjusting to a new enclosure or recovering from illness… but some others are intentionally kept subconscious in order to exist brought out for special shows and events, to raise more money for the zoo (and the animals in it).

22 Zoos Can Bulldoze Animals Bananas…

via Libreshot

Zoos continue to work hard to get improve and better at caring for their animals - and accredited zoos are a far cry from the caged menageries of old. However, fifty-fifty the best zoos are keeping their creatures in spaces much smaller than they would inhabit in the wild, and this can have a serious result on their mental health.

Zoochosis is a term for zoo animals displaying unnatural and usually unfortunate behaviors, including overgrooming, eating things they shouldn't, vomiting, and more.

And then side by side time you meet an animate being doing something 'weird and beautiful', it may really exist that fauna driven mad by the small infinite.

via Perth Zoo

You may take noticed that many of the best zoos don't just attempt to replicate an animal's natural habitat - they as well include toys, climbing frames, and other puzzles and amusements. While some may scoff at these as just a mode to make them cuter for visitors, this is actually office of an of import program at reputable zoos known as 'enrichment'.

Animals will get toys, games, and even scents in order to keep them stimulated and happy, and avoid zoochosis at all costs. Zookeepers themselves pour a lot of time and energy into creating these, likewise, to keep their charges every bit happy and good for you as possible.

twenty Zoos Phase Faux Hunts

via National Geographic

The obvious forms of 'enrichment' aren't the simply ways that zookeepers keep their creatures mentally healthy and stimulated, either. Predator animals are meant to be hunters in the wild, and so zookeepers do their best to make feeding time as interesting as possible.

For some animals, this means feeding on whole carcasses instead of pre-made food (definitely something you don't desire the petty kids to see on zoo days!), but some will fifty-fifty create simulated cardboard versions so that the predators tin can stalk and pounce, non just eat.

It may non be fun for the little ones to run across, only it keeps the animals themselves happy.

via Wikimedia Eatables

As well equally toys, games and simulated hunts, many zoo animals take part in shows and displays where their keepers will have them perform 'tricks' for an audience. To some, this may seem unnatural or simply a money catch, but it'south non but most getting a laugh… many of these 'tricks' are done in order to assistance keepers check on an animal's wellness.

Something as simple as having a leg or fin lifted can allow the keeper to bank check under it and brand sure that the skin there is good for you - and if information technology gets in more than visitors (and coin) in the process, so much the better!

via Perth Zoo

Nearly zookeepers will have no trouble telling aspiring animal lovers that this is far from an easy chore to land. In fact, San Diego's 60 minutes section volition routinely receive hundreds of applications for whatsoever job that opens up, then getting into this field normally takes degrees in a related subject and enough of volunteer hours to fifty-fifty have a shot at a position. That shouldn't discourage the most dedicated of aspiring keepers, but it volition certainly make anyone who thinks it's an easy style to hang out with animals all day think twice.

17 Zookeepers Don't Get Paid A Lot

via St George & Sutherland Shire Leader

Although it'due south no hole-and-corner that information technology's hard to go into zookeeping, what most won't tell yous is that despite the competition, zookeepers aren't exactly high earners. Most salary comparison sites make it clear that zookeepers don't tend to earn above the $30,000 mark, unless they are highly specialized, senior, or are zoo veterinarians. That's effectually half of the average salary in the Usa… not exactly a lucrative position. It's clear that zookeepers aren't in this field for the easy money!

sixteen Even Zoo Vets Are Underpaid

via National Zoo

You might recall that zoo veterinarians would earn more than their associates who deal primarily with household pets… but that isn't the example. In fact, vets who work with animals raised for food often earn the virtually, with equine (horse) vets in 2d place, and companion animal (pet) vets coming in third. Zoo vets, despite having to deal with a range of exotic creatures that their colleagues will probably never fifty-fifty see, get paid the to the lowest degree - probably because the zoos simply don't have the kind of funds to pay more.

15 Penguins Are Seriously Evil-smelling

via Zoo Praha

Penguins are admittedly adorable, and can be one of the most popular zoo exhibits, especially later animated films like Happy Feet showcase these cute little common cold weather critters. They accept a reputation for existence devoted and loving, and the stories of them mating for life tin easily capture a zoo company's heart… just if those visitors got behind the plexiglass for a whiff of these ambrosial little tuxedo birds, they might experience differently.

According to many keepers, Penguins take the prize for the stinkiest animal in the zoo, cheers to their especially pungent guano.

14 Dealing With The Evil-smelling Stuff Is Half The Piece of work…

via Tremarct Photohraphy

Speaking of the smelly stuff, dealing with animate being toilet time is about half the job of an average zookeeper - and it shouldn't be surprising that the bigger the beast, the more in that location is to deal with!

Keepers may spend a lot of their time caring for, training, and creating games for their charges, but well-nigh half their time is spent shoveling, cleaning upward, and carting abroad everything that comes out the other end.

They might not all exist as famously stinky as the penguins, just information technology's not for the faint of olfactory organ, considering there'due south even so a lot to scoop on a daily basis!

xiii …And They Do Become Bitten

via Zoo De Mulhouse

Huge competition to get hired, low pay, and a whole lot of smelly stuff to selection upwards on a daily basis… but that's non the finish of the less than glamorous side of zookeeping!

Unsurprisingly, zookeepers practise get bitten by their animals from fourth dimension to time, peculiarly when dealing with immature animals, moving animals, or taking care of sick animals. They practice wear gloves to attempt and keep themselves prophylactic, simply some of these cute little critters come with razor sharp teeth that can become direct through those thick gloves to the tender fingers underneath.

via First News Live

Some other thing that happens when zookeepers are taking care of sick or injured animals (other than the biting, of class) is that the animal doesn't desire to take their medication.

Oral medication can exist difficult to administrate (how do you explain to an antelope what it's for?), and then in some cases, zookeepers will rely on the aforementioned trick that you might utilize with a pet dog at home; they hide the medication in a delicious treat!

Turns out, just because animals are big and exotic, that doesn't hateful they don't want pets, toys, and medicine to be wrapped in something tasty.

11 Pandas Are Incredibly Expensive…

via Zoo Berlin

Pandas are one of those animals that oft make headlines - adorable, extremely endangered, and rare even in zoos. However, any zookeeper volition be happy to tell yous that these fuzzy blackness-and-whites don't come inexpensive, and that few zoos could fifty-fifty afford them.

All pandas must be 'leased' from Mainland china, for a massive annual fee that is usually in the hundreds of thousands (Washington pays over half a million a twelvemonth for their pair), and the bamboo used to feed them tin can cost another few hundred thousand on tiptop of that. And that's if they survive happily; if not, Red china will fine the zoo effectually $400,000 if something happens due to human error.

10 …And Beast Feed Is A Huge Expense

via Maryland Zoo Baltimore

Pandas aren't the merely zoo animals to rack up large grocery bills… and feeding is an increasingly complicated business organisation. Zoos have to find huge amounts of appropriate meats, fruits, veggies and grains that closely mimic the foods these animals would eat in the wild - and that can get expensive. Even by sheer volume, feeding tin exist a daunting task, and feeding some animals can costs tens of thousands in a twelvemonth for each individual.

Add in animal nutritionists and the push to standardize diets for convenance programme transfers, and it gets a whole lot more complicated than virtually guests might call back.

9 The Bat Cave Is The Worst

via Pinterest

Every zookeeper has their favorite (and least favorite) animals, only one enclosure that comes upwards time and time again when keepers complain is the bats.

Much like the penguins, there'south a whole lot of guano (#two) to deal with, merely unlike the penguins, a lot of it is coming downwards from above!

Working the bat enclosure definitely means washing your hair at the stop of your shift (ew)… and even worse, there accept fifty-fifty been reports of bats who fall on the floor being accidentally stepped on in the nighttime, and that'southward an even worse manner to end the day than a caput covered in droppings.

8 Fish Don't Sympathize Glass (With Unfortunate Results)

via Virginia Aquarium

Many zoos also contain aquariums, and these can be a magical place for visitors, where anyone tin go a glimpse of life nether the water.

The broad glass makes for a cute view for humans, merely for fish, it can be extremely confusing.

Marine life specially is known for not getting the hang of it, and pond at high speeds directly into the glass itself, or leap out of the exhibit… with understandably tragic results for the poor fish in question! (And no, the results don't end up in the bucket at the seal evidence later…)

vii Zookeepers Get Complaints Nigh 'Obscene' Animals

via Perth Zoo

Everyone is excited to become a glimpse at the wild animals that they would never see otherwise, merely some people accept a picayune bit of an unrealistic expectation when it comes to how those animals are going to behave. From expecting creatures to deed like their favorite pop civilisation counterparts to badgerer that they aren't constantly running around doing things, zookeepers deal with a lot of complaints… but 1 of the well-nigh common (and ridiculous) revolves effectually animals during mating season getting "excited".

Of course, in that location's nothing a zookeeper tin can exercise, simply they will definitely laugh about obscenity complaints after hours!

via Way Blueprint

It'south not only afterward hours that keepers will gather for a giggle over zoo visitors - if there are some particularly badly behaved guests, they will actually radio each other during the visit to laissez passer on warnings.

That means that if yous are ignoring their instructions, bothering the animals, tapping on the drinking glass or trying to feed the monkeys, when you caput out to the next part of the zoo, the keeper waiting there is already getting the depression-downwardly on who to look out for to keep their animals condom.

It's probably best to just bear, and avoid that zookeeper field study!