
Did Audrey Kill A Animal On Teen Mom

More than than 35 years later on a teenage daughter came habitation to find her family unit brutally slain in their resort motel, police say the cold instance is heating up. Subscribe now to PEOPLE, or choice up this week's event, on newsstands now, for more on this example.

The 1981 Keddie motel murders of three family unit members and a teenage friend shook the modest Sierra Nevada mount communities of Keddie and Quincy in northern California, beginning a mystery that lingers more than three decades afterwards.

Who murdered the Abrupt family?

Authorities once again are asking that question, reviving the investigation. Hither are five things to know almost their work.

1. The Scene Suggests More Than One Killer

On April 12, 1981, xiv-year-old Sheila Abrupt was returning from a sleepover when she discovered three dead bodies in her family's motel at the Keddie Resort: her 36-year-old single mother, Sue; her brother Johnny, 15; and Johnny'south friend Dana Wingate, 17. All had been jump and suffered extreme violence.

Sheila's 12-year-onetime sister, Tina, was missing. The girl's skull was institute in the woods 3 years later, some 50 miles away in some other county.

Calculation to the mystery: Sheila's younger brothers Greg and Rick, ages 5 and 10 at the time, were asleep and unharmed in an adjacent bedroom of the motel, along with a friend, Justin Smartt.

Co-ordinate to the criminal offense scene written report, the boys' bodies on the living room floor were bloodied around their heads and necks. Johnny was face-upwardly, with hands and anxiety spring past electrical string that besides wrapped around Dana'south feet. Sue was covered past a yellow blanket; her hands and anxiety were bound past electrical wiring.

The three were killed using knives and a hammer. A aptitude steak knife lay on the floor, and a butcher knife and claw hammer, both also bloodied, were side-by-side on a small-scale wooden table virtually the entry into the kitchen.

"Whoever did this — and there was more than i person — had to have blood all over them," says Doug Thomas, now 76, who was the Plumas County sheriff at the time of the murders, leading the investigation, but who soon moved on to another chore and has since retired.

• Lookout our new true criminal offense show, People Mag Investigates, which continues with an episode on the Keddie cabin murders on Monday at x p.thousand. ET on Investigation Discovery.


Cabin 28 at the Keddie Resort, where the 1981 murders occurred.

| Credit: Julian Dufort

ii. The Primary Suspects Are Expressionless — But Authorities Are Still Pursuing Justice

Among those questioned in the killings was Sue'due south neighbor Marty Smartt, who lived ii cabins abroad with his wife (and Justin Smartt'due south mother), Marilyn. It emerged that Marty was aroused about Sue's interference in his troubled spousal relationship. Regime also interviewed Marty'southward ex-con friend "Bo" Boubede, who had moved in with Marty.

During the recently revived investigation, sheriff's investigator Mike Gamberg was made enlightened of a letter written by Marty to Marilyn shortly after the crimes.

"I've paid the price of your love & now that I've bought it with four peoples lives, you tell me we are through," Marty wrote. "Bully! What else exercise you lot want?"

Marilyn, who subsequently remarried, tells PEOPLE in this week's issue, on newsstands at present, that she doesn't call back receiving the letter. She says she learned of it long later by investigators, just she recognized her ex-married man's handwriting. Thomas, the retired sheriff, as well says he heard nearly the letter only in recent months.

Gamberg further tracked down a therapist in Reno, Nevada, to whom Marty allegedly confessed after the killings — and who told Gamberg he was shocked to learn that investigators at the time didn't use that confession to solve the crimes.

"There were some theories that [Marty's friend] Boubede was involved, and there was some theories that some other people in Keddie were involved," Thomas says. Of Marty and Boubede, he says, "The only thing I knew is, they hung out together. Nosotros questioned them extensively."

With nothing in those first weeks that tied them to the offense, Thomas says, neither were charged. Both left the area. Boubede died in 1988, and Marty Smartt died in 2006.

Yet Gamberg and electric current Sheriff Greg Hagwood believe the evidence leans toward those two as the culprits. "If a instance needs to be pinned there," Hagwood tells PEOPLE, "we'll pin it."

Thomas isn't so certain. "Information technology'due south very easy to say somebody'southward guilty when they're expressionless," he says. "They can't defend themselves. I don't remember either one of them were involved."

3. Investigators Have a Personal Stake in the Case

Keddie and Quincy are seven miles apart. In the larger community of Quincy, with a population of just nether 2,000, Sheriff Hagwood was a schoolmate of victims Johnny and Dana, and the summer before the murders they'd all worked together every bit teenagers on a painting crew. Hagwood'due south mother was a teacher who had Tina in grade.

Hagwood also had a babyhood friend who lived in Keddie's cabin 28 long before the Sharps moved in there. "I stayed in the motel probably a dozen times," he says.

Gamberg knew the boys likewise. Every bit a martial arts teacher at the fourth dimension, he taught both Johnny and Dana, and says Dana was at his home the day earlier he died.

"It struck this community harder than anything," he says of the killings.

• Watch the full episode of the People Magazine Investigates Subsequently Evidence on the Keddie case, available November. 28 on People/Entertainment Weekly Network (PEN). Go to, or download the app for Apple Tv set, Roku, Amazon Burn Television set, Xumo, Chromecast, Xfinity, iOS and Android devices.


4. New Evidence Has Emerged

Hagwood became sheriff in 2010, and in June 2013 he brought Gamberg back from retirement to organize the boxes of Keddie reports and testify with an heart toward reviving the instance. Marty Smartt's letter was an early re-discovery.

Just as important, Gamberg and Hagwood wonder if they've also recovered another of the murder weapons.

Every bit reports of the renewed investigation went public, Gamberg learned of a man who, using a metal detector, had institute a hammer in a swimming most the Keddie property — and the steel, blue-handled hook hammer, now recovered, exactly matched the description of a hammer that Marty told investigators he'd lost. It is now being tested for trace Deoxyribonucleic acid or blood residue.

Gamberg also found in the investigation'due south files an apparently unopened envelope with a recording of a 911 call. When Tina's remains were first found in 1984, on the 3rd anniversary of the murders, her skull was unidentified. But that anonymous 911 caller said it was Tina'due south before the medical examiner confirmed it through dental records.

"It'southward my feeling that either he [the caller] was told or he was involved in some fashion," Gamberg says.

That tape, too, has been turned over for phonation comparisons with audio of earlier suspects.

v. Investigators: People Can Confirm the Killers' Identities

A vital thread, Gamberg says, is who knew about Tina's remains placed in an isolated wooded surface area in neighboring Butte County — and who may have helped to put them there.

"There are people locally who know more than they've said," Hagwood tells PEOPLE, "and I believe we've identified some of them, and we know who they are, and we know where they are. And I take every confidence that they either participated afterwards the fact or they have outset-hand data."

"It's obviously a worthwhile pursuit," he says. "There is not an expiration appointment on homicides, and to the extent that we have surviving siblings and family members, information technology is our fundamental obligation to them to sympathize who did this and why."

How shut are they to solving the case?

"I don't know," he says. "I know nosotros are closer than nosotros've ever been."

People Magazine Investigates' episode on the Keddie motel murders airs Mon (10 p.thousand. ET) on Investigation Discovery.


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