
How Many People Have Been Cured Because Of Animal Testing

Animal Testing

Patrick Landmann/Science Photo Library


Imagine a syringe beingness forced down your throat to inject a chemical into your stomach, or being restrained and forced to breathe sickening vapours for hours. That'due south the roughshod reality of animal testing for millions of mice, rabbits, dogs and other animals worldwide.

Rabbit in a lab


Animals killed for every new pesticide chemical tested



Beagles in regime-required tests for each new drug or agrochemical



Agreement required betwixt countries to eliminate a unmarried fauna test

The Result


Did yous know that animal testing is legally required for many of the products nosotros employ every day? From fragrances to painkillers to the textile dyes in our habiliment, every new chemical has at in one case been force-fed to animals. HSI is working around the earth in cooperation with companies and government government to supersede cruel and obsolete animal-poisoning tests with mod alternatives that amend protect human and environmental safety.

Brute testing facts:

  • Regime regulations often require numerous different animate being-poisoning tests to assess the hazards of a unmarried new chemical, pesticide or medicinal product.
  • Some tests use thousands of animals at a time, while others are repeated ii or fifty-fifty three times using dissimilar animate being species or routes of assistants (oral force-feeding, forced inhalation or skin); no pain relief is provided.
  • At that place'southward no "humane" way to poison animals with chemicals or to infect them with deadly diseases like rabies to examination the effectiveness of a vaccine; still, there are modern non-animate being alternatives that work merely as well—or better.
  • HSI works through intergovernmental bodies such equally the OECD to accelerate global adoption of mod non-animal testing methods, and through our network of land offices to take these new approaches taken upwardly through national regulations.
  • Our efforts have been instrumental in securing "mandatory alternatives" requirements in Brazil and South Korea, whereby it is illegal for a company to acquit brute experimentation if a not-animal approach is bachelor. Nosotros're too helping laissez passer bans on cosmetic animal testing around the globe through our #BeCrueltyFree campaign.
  • HSI is likewise supporting grooming in developing countries to aid companies and government government transition to modernistic non-animal methods.

Our work in action


Urge the European union to embrace science without suffering

Convince the European Commission to turn political promises into meaningful change for animals.


More you tin practise

1. Sign the Be Cruelty-Free pledge.

2. Read to learn more than.

3. Read nigh new approach methods to replace beast testing.

4. Bring together us on Facebook.

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